Tuesday 17 May 2016
Kisah Nyata Mualafnya Seorang Pendeta Gereja

Kisah nyata ini terjadi di negeri paman sam..Pagi itu, sang pendeta telah berdiri untuk memberikan khotbah. Namun, melihat ada seorang pemuda yang memiliki tanda khusus hadir di gerejanya, sang pendeta menahan khotbahnya.“Aku tidak akan memberikan khotbah kepada kalian, karena diantara kalian ada umatnya Muhammad,” kalimat pertama pendeta itu bagaikan petir di siang bolong. Sebagian jemaat gereja melihat kanan dan kiri, siapa orang yang dimaksud pendeta.“Bagaimana pendeta mengetahuinya?”
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Monday 16 May 2016
no image

Prophet Muhammad is a man who still exist in social media, though he did not have a single e-mail. He is as good as the man who holds Al Amin or trustworthy. Having much to like depraved despite not having a twitter account. Although he never made a status for like. People are trying to learn his life, though he never wrote him a note on the blog.
Many who knew the Prophet even though he never existed at youtube. Millions of people want to meet and see his face even though he did not have instagram account. When we are busy playing other games Get Rich or seeking personal gain, the Prophet taught us to share. Many people who want to get to know him more closely, although he could not immediately say like in ask.fm. Many people who broadcasts his message, although he neither has a BlackBerry Messengers or Whatsapp. Prophet at the age of 6-10 years old can trade, while most of us are still playing spoiled and play. Many people who want to see his face and talk to each other, but they can not do it over skype media. We all know prophet mauled, though the date of his birthday was never listed in the facebook account. Prophet teaches us to dhikr and pray, not to change the display picture blackberry messengers or change personal messege fuel. Prophet started the day with dhikr and ask forgiveness, not like the fact that started the day by checking the fuel pm, timeline, or facebook homepage. Prophet ended the day asking forgiveness for his sin, without having to make pm bbm, tweets or status if he wants to rest and sleep. Condemned by the Prophet when the worst things he had to be patient and pray, not as we had just upset immediately delete Contac, unfollow, block or unfriend. Rasulullah SAW much loved by his friends dared to sacrifice his life for the safety of the Prophet Muhammad, but what all the followers, contac, facebook friend, Frans pads come to defend us? Let us fix ourselves each and have always tried to imitate the personality of the Prophet Muhammad who was very admired by all humans from ancient times to the times today, until all his people spread the message of the good that is always broadcast through social media. Let's now use social media to help build a community!
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