Thursday 21 April 2016

Many wealthy people who feel as if - if control of the property, even though she dominated possessions. People who do everything they can to obtain them, are people who have been enslaved by the treasures and pleasures of the world. Constructing a sense affluent people who could be empowered to give and share.
Conversely, someone who is materially rich,but mentally still needy and greedy, there would be able to spend their wealth in Allah's way Tal'ala.
He instead wants to save as much again. Take and take, just to be a servant of God Tal'ala, not a servant than Him. He was only willing Ta'alla controlled by God, not other than Him.

People like Abdurrahman bin Auf able to give his treasure to the many, not because he's rich, but because he was able to master his property. He never share 700 camels along muatanya form of staples and commercial goods to Muslims. He has also purchased land worth 40 thousand dinars, equivalent to Rp 55 billion to be distributed to the wives of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihiwa sallam and the poor. He also has invested no less than 500 head of horses and 1,500 camels war for jihad fi Sabilillah.
When he died, he still had time to settle 50 thousand dinars to be given to veterans of the battle of Badr. Each hero gets a 400 dinars, equivalent to Rp 560 million.
Undue advantages of wealth prevents us to win the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala. Treasure sought by lawful way but has not been used in the way of God, is also still not worth at His side.
Treasure that has the wherewithal in the path of Allah Ta'ala, lasting investment that will return multiplied by Allah Ta'ala. While the treasure stored, when going to pick up, certainly we leave behind in this world. Only charity will be with us facing Allah Ta'ala later.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, هناك ثلاث حالات التي تتبع بعد وفاة الفقيد, والأسرة, والملكية, والممارسة. الجزء الخلفي اثنين و احد وبقي معه. العائدون الأسرة والثروة, في حين تعيش معه صدقة له
"There are three cases that follow after the death of the deceased, the family, property, and practice. the two back and one stayed with him. returnees are families and property, while living with him is charity. "(Bukhari and Muslim).
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